Blues for the Net
Lyrics By Melody Pierson & Charles Guerin...
Verse 1 Since my server left me My site has no place to dwell I've gotta check all my luggage at the Bill Gates Motel.. My page ain't It just ain't loading I could cry... Verse 2 My password was protected till I met Hack the Knife he backslashed all my hyperlinks and logged on to my wife My pages ain't loading baby My pages ain't loading I could cry... Verse 3 I can't Excite my Yahoo I NetSearched half the nite My DNS has PMS and you know that just ain't right My pages ain't loadin', baby My pages ain't loadin', I could cry. Verse 4 Say Billy can't you help me I can't wait for my fix My world won't dot calm down Till Windows 96 My pages ain't loading, baby my pages ain't loading... I could cry...